
VIRTUE™ Goals 2020/21

In 2020/21 VIRTUE™ priorities are to invest in  the Indonesian economy and projects including Covid-19 relief programs, SOE. (State Owned Enterprise) restructuring and development projects including the new capital relocation in Borneo.VIRTUE™ will work with top global development firms to build a solid foundation for the SWF including legal, accounting, compliance, tax, and planning.

The UN 2030 Sustainable Development program will be a fundamental guideline for VIRTUE™ investments, including:

•Urban infrastructure including water, waste management, power, smart cities, etc.

•Connectivity infrastructure including 5G mobile networks, wireless coverage for remote villages, new generation satellite services, data centers, airports, seaports, roads, trains, etc.

•Social infrastructure including education, housing, and healthcare with a plan for universal telemedicine using new technologies including predictive analytics and precision medicine.

•Human capital infrastructure for jobs, technical training, health education, and urban development

•Manufacturing and technology development in partnership with leading technology companies for all infrastructure development

•Education with a focus on job related technology, education and financing local technology start-ups with jobs for technology graduates  

The UN 2030 Sustainable Development program will be a fundamental guideline for VIRTUE™ investments, including: